Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011
This issue was first brought to my attention several months ago, but I was reminded of it today when, while I was eating lunch, I tuned into CNN,
Is Marriage Outdated? March 05, 2008. The marriage ritual is anglo-saxon in nature and archaic in today's society. Marriage for tax break reasons is not a
According to the most recent statistics, the divorce rate, often quoted (even by this author in psychology classes) as 50% of marriages, is actually closer
4 Dec 2010 For most couples looking to progress their relationship, the usual steps would be engagement followed by marriage.
30 Mar 2010 Why is marriage outdated in the 21st century? by Diana. - Are marriages outdated ? by Megan Tags: marriage, outdated, 21st century
25 Sep 2008 As far a outdated, I do think society's concept, or at least western society's concept of marriage could undergo a few changes,
12 Jan 2011 Those are not reasons for why marriage is outdated - they're reasons why we as a society has a very bizarre views of relationships,
21 Jun 2009 So, I guess marriage is outdated, at least going on the behavior of the majority . Even so-called "family values" politicians continually get
19 Nov 2010 As families gather for Thanksgiving this year, nearly one in three US children lives with a divorced, separated or never-married parent.
This is a Gospel audio sermon and transcript entitled 'Stand By Your Man: Is Marriage Outdated?', from the ministry of David Legge, an evangelist,
12 Feb 2010 What do you think? Three of our male contributors weigh in.
12 Jan 2011 Those are not reasons for why marriage is outdated - they're reasons why we as a society has a very bizarre views of relationships,
The Church of England has published a rescue plan for marriage saying that the traditional institute of marriage may be in crisis.
21 Jun 2009 So, I guess marriage is outdated, at least going on the behavior of the majority . Even so-called "family values" politicians continually get
5 Dec 2010 Marriage is not outdated because we see the government funding programs that do not work as well as the family. [ Add New ]
Many couples say they want to be together because they love each other, and you don't need a marriage for that. Marriage is for many, an outdated
29 Jun 2009 According to the most recent statistics, the divorce rate, often quoted (even by this author in classes) as 50% of marriages, is actually
18 Jul 2010 I think marriage is fundamentally flawed by divorce and infidelity Sometimes the person you are when you get married is a lot different say
25 Sep 2008 As far a outdated, I do think society's concept, or at least western society's concept of marriage could undergo a few changes,
18 Jul 2010 I think marriage is fundamentally flawed by divorce and infidelity Sometimes the person you are when you get married is a lot different say
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