Berger and Kellner's construction of marriage (Open Library). Berger and Kellner's construction of marriage (Open Library)


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011

10 Aug 2010 Discussion of P. Berger & H. Kellner, Marriage and the Construction of Reality: An Exercise in the Microsociology of Knowledge

21 Oct 2008 whilst Charles and Kerr (1988 by D. H. J. Morgan, 1981,Department of Sociology, University of Manchester edition, in English.

- 1998 - Family & Relationships - 214 pagesAccording to Berger and Kellner, marriage creates a "nomic rupture," a rip in the sense of order and belonging for each marriage partner in all their other

, - 2006 - Social Science - 277 pagesBerger and Kellner argue that marriage creates a new order or sense of reality for the marriage partners, with consequences for how the partners think about

(1) For a discussion and an example see Berger and Kellner on marriage in Dreitzel (ed) Recent Sociology Vol 2. (2) Generally on industrial society and its

Berger, P., and Kellner, H. (1964). "Marriage and the Construction of Reality: An Exercise in the Microsociology of Knowledge." Diogenes 46:1–25.

- 1996 - Family & Relationships - 196 pagesAs Berger and Kellner suggest (1964:5), marriage brings together "two strangers, " in the sense that partners bring to their union different understandings

Berger, Peter, & Kellner, Hansfried (1964). Marriage and the construction of reality: An exercise in the microsociology of knowledge. Diogenes, 46, 1-24.

processes in early marital development is contained in Berger and Kellner's. ( 1964) stimulating and provocative essay, "Marriage and the Construction of

, , - 2008 - Family & Relationships - 748 pagesThe Social Construction of Reality Berger and Kellner's (1970) landmark essay, " Marriage and the Construction of Reality," presents a phenomenological

, , - 1999 - Family & Relationships - 822 pagesFor example, Berger and Kellner (1964) introduced this notion to the literature on marriage in their discussion of how couples socially construct their

Berger and Kellner's Construction of Marriage: D.H.J. Morgan: Books.

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