Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011
This page contains Bible passages about sex and marriage, an extract from a 3 Keep my teaching with you all the time; write it on your heart.
26 Apr 2010 Like the majority, the minority offers a “Biblical and Historical Summary” of teachings related to marriage, a discussion of “The
21 Jul 2010 Yes, 'husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, " and wife is to "submit" unto him; as unto the Lord
Biblical teaching on marriage. Introduction The divorce rate of the United States is about fifty percent. One wonders how many of the half who stay together
Yes, the Bible emphasizes on the fact that wives should be submissive while Husbands should be loving and we are quick to carry this part of that verse,
Jesus' Teaching on Marriage and Divorce. The Bible says in Genesis 1:31, “And God saw every thing that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
The Bible is clear in its teaching that the marriage relationship is a permanent one. I have never read one verse in the Bible where God approved divorce.
What does the Bible say about marriage? What is the Biblical value and importance of marriage?
Solving marriage conflict and trouble: A Bible plan for resolving family because the husband disobeys Bible teachings about how to make decisions or
26 Jul 2010 Yes, the Bible emphasizes on the fact that wives should be submissive while Husbands should be loving and we are quick to carry this part of
Biblical Teaching on Marriage. To Marry or Not to Marry…(Part 1). 1. THE SEX QUESTION (1 Cor. 7:1-9) i. CELIBACY IS GOOD (v. 1)
They knew the teaching of Moses (when the Theocracy had been in effect) had not There is no biblical reason to limit the values of marriage to sexual
5 Jun 2009 What does the Bible teach about marriage? What do the Scriptures teach about marriage, divorce, polygamy, and/or same-sex unions?
marriage is the foundation for all practical teaching and all biblical counselling on the subject of marriage. The practical teaching deals with the issues
A selection of Bible Study Series and sermons looking at marriage and singleness . Marriage and Singleness - biblical teaching on marriage, divorce,
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