Green card holders can be deported. - If you have a deportation order from years ago about


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011

if someone is on a final order of deportation and it is over 30 days and he was it was a fraudulent marriage...he was put on deportation proceddings and

When an individual receives a green card through a marriage that is less than 2 Venture and get a green card even after a final order of deportation.

Divorce and Marriage Law question: If you have a deportation order from years ago How can you become a us citizen after being deported 10 years ago?

Shaikhs did not attempt to have the dissolution of marriage decree set aside until 1995 At the deportation hearing, Shaikhs acknowledged that the Illinois Appellate The dissolution decree was entered on June 21, 1985, after which [Shaikhs] the court may in its discretion, before final order of judgment,

A Haitian citizen had a final order of deportation based on his failure to case because his marriage fell apart not long after his green card interview,

As many of you know, a bona-fide marriage to a US Citizen is one of the few means of A common problem occurs when the alien has been ordered deported, which to file the Motion to Reopen (90 days after the BIA's final order) and

22 Jan 2008 JOHN, A GREEN CARD holder, was returning to California after a two-week In 1992, when he was issued a green card based on his marriage to Carol, Unless there is a prior final order of deportation or removal,

11 Mar 2004 review of a final order of deportation issued by the Board of After Sung Hee married Scott Damon, the Immigration and

(1) An Immigration Judge's order of deportation becomes a final motion to reopen for adjustment of status based on a marriage entered into after the

After our client had been detained on his final order of removal for over 180 If the marriage occurs while the alien is in deportation proceedings,

In vi ew of the final order of deportation, the District Director found that it had was that the subject's first marriage had been made for the purpose of who is also counsel to the present petitioner, after examination of the

After noting that Walker's marriage to Nwachukwu occurred nearly two years after the final order of deportation, the BIA concluded that the "marriage is not

He appended to his motion a copy of his marriage contract with Lily Morales and their According to the petitioner, the order of deportation issued by the BOC on it was on the basis of a final and executory order of deportation. After going over the motion, we find no valid reason to disturb the order

The BIA also found that the IJ properly denied the motion to terminate proceedings and affirmed the final order of deportation. Specifically, the BIA held:

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